Sunday, March 3, 2019

Sit, Rhonda, sit.

Clearly, I’ve been away. No excuses. Life. But I’m back, and here’s my latest mindfulness news. My beloved husband got me the Muse for Christmas. The Muse is promoted as a “meditation aid,” and for tightly-wound Type A folk like me, it is. I’ll let you read about the Muse here:

My take on the Muse is this…when I sit down to meditate, I spend a LOT of time thinking about not thinking. That is, I focus on my breath, then I think about focusing on my breath, then I think about breathing, then I think about the difficulties of focus, then I think about the respiration of trees, then I think about focusing one eye at a time on something, and on and on and on. You see how productive (bwahaha) my practice can be. I’m like a puppy distracted by my own tail. 

But with the Muse, in moments of calm (measured in biofeedback terms by reduced brain activity), I hear gentle rain. In moments when my mind wanders and brain activity increases, the rain picks up and can even become a loud downpour. And, in moments of particular calm, the rain stops, and I hear birds. Maybe it’s my love of all flying things, but I cannot stress enough how effective it’s been for me, this “training” myself to bring out the birds.

I’m back to very short daily sessions – 12 to 15 minutes once or twice a day with the Muse. For beginners (me again), short, successful sessions are much more motivating than 20-30-minute sessions that feel like failures (although there really IS NO SUCH THING as a meditation “failure,” except not trying at all or giving up).


Once my brain and body get the “habit” back, I will try random Muse and non-Muse sessions. I think of it as training my inner puppy: I’ll start by rewarding the puppy with a treat EACH TIME she sits. Then, I’ll start randomizing treat/no treat after a successful sit. Eventually, my inner puppy (I call her Rhonda) will learn to sit on command, with no treats needed.


Progress is SLOOOOOW and often impeded by, well, LIFE: schoolwork, family stuff, knitting, writing, etc. But you remember the tortoise and the hare, right? ;)

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